Friday, February 8, 2013

trying to stay positive is a hard task

No sooner than I had clicked "publish" on yesterday's post, which was titled "things are looking brighter," than the cardiology coordinator called with some news.  Yes, you heard me right..more changes!!  Kris and I are so over it right now that we really don't even feel like talking about it.  There is not one thing that we can do about it except to now write on my calendar in pencil!  When I tell you the reason, you may understand a little better, because it sure put it into perspective for us.  There were two babies born this week that are in desperate need of a heart surgery and get this, they didn't know about the conditions until birth!!  Now, can you imagine having your baby and then being told that in less than a week that tiny baby will have open heart surgery?!?  That is A LOT to process, believe me I know, and we have had since June 2012 to process all that information.  I am not saying that it will make it any easier or harder, what I am saying is that that is someone's baby and will be hard no matter what!!  So, instead of stomping my feet like Madeline (but, boy do I want to!) or talking about it to death, please join me in praying for these babies and their families.  Because unlike Chandler, they cannot wait and surgery is a MUST to survive.  We really are blessed, because when looking at all the other sick babies out there, it could be so much worse!!  It could be better but could be so much worse! 

With that being said, our "new" date is now scheduled for Friday, February 15, 2013.  Again, this is tentative if something unforeseen happens to come up.  I know it's seems unfair to Chandler because she is important too, but we have to trust in the Lord because it is all up to Him.  We can sit here and say all the reasons why it happened..she will be bigger, have more time to get well, but in the end, it is ultimately His plan.  Please continue to pray for us, because as it's pushed back more and more, it starts to affect our jobs.  Of course our kids come first, but spring is a very busy time for Kris since grass starts growing and people want their yards looking nice and is also a busy time for me in the school district and getting paperwork and meetings done to start the next school year.  It will all get done, and we will cross those bridges when we get there, and I am TRYING to take it day-by-day, but it is hard!
busy girls

she scooted and rolled over to this position and feel asleep...tired baby!

Enough about all that surgery stuff....Chandler is loving being on her side now and if she could get her arm out of the way, she would finally roll on over!  She is a real wiggle worm and even though she isn't rolling over yet, you have to watch that girl because she can move around!  As I have mentioned before, we are in for it when little sister gets a little stronger..we won't be able to keep up with her!!  Big sissy is all about pretend play.."I da mama, you da baby" and it's very cute to see Kris be the "baby!"  We love listening to her talk, because she is always coming up with funny stuff that we have no idea where it comes from.  One of the latest funnies was when she was with her Shimmy not too long ago...she told her, "My have a tar(car).  It's at my home and it's pink.  I could drive it today cause it's sunny time!"  She is a mess and will turn a bad day completely into a good day..she is a love bug and stubborn almost three-year-old all wrapped up into one!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and is continuing to pray for us!  This surgery will be done eventually, and we will have moved on to something else to bellyache about!  haha

until next time,

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