Thursday, April 11, 2013

eight weeks since surgery

Wow, has it really been eight weeks since Chandler's surgery?!?  It certainly has flown by, but I guess that is a good thing!  We went to Jackson yesterday to see Dr. Parnell, and we took big sis too.  She has never been with us for a cardiology appointment and she may not go back!  No, she really was very good but she distracted us from listening!  We took the toys that were donated for Madeline's birthday and what a good feeling that was!  We would like to thank everyone who donated for such a wonderful cause..just a little something we could do to give back.  We all have so much to be thankful for..

The appointment went smoothly until we had to do her vital signs.  She had lost just a little weight but no big deal.  The machine beeped when it checked her blood pressure..uh oh!!  That &@#% machine again, taking me back to that dark hole...  Anyway, it must have been set for older kids because they didn't mention it again.  Then she got her oxygen sats...which was 97 at our last appointment but was now 92 and wasn't getting any higher.  GRRRRRR  Remember we battled those darn numbers in the hospital?!?  95%-100% is where she should be.  The nurse did recheck it later and it was 97, thank goodness!  We went straight to get her echo done, and by this time she was getting annoyed..wonder if it had anything to do with her mama's blood pressure?!  haha  I will let you decide if she liked it or not...
What's going on here?!
I am not so sure about this!!
MAMA!!!  HELP ME!!! (real tears!)
I know what you are thinking, "That poor baby, her mama is so mean!!"  However, she stopped crying immediately after I took the pictures, and I came to the rescue with her paci.  You can't say that little round, red, mad face isn't the cutest thing!!  And you better believe that the little mama in the room was checking on her sissy and wondering what in the world that lady was doing to Chandler!  One of our dear friends, Briana, works there but has never done one of Chandler's echo cardiograms, but we did get to have a good visit with her though.  It helped to pass the time getting to talk about our girls!  They also did an EKG and then we waited, and waited, and waited.  During this time, I was really getting nervous.  I just didn't have a good feeling and I don't even know why.  Mama's intuition, I guess.  Buuuutt, boy was I wrong this time!!!  Dr. Parnell came in by saying, "How's my favorite girl?"  I asked my list of questions and we talked a little and then she said, "About the echo...."  Oh no, here it comes, I am expecting the worst possible news.  Only to be beyond surprised with, "Her heart looks great!!  Even better than it did six weeks ago!!  I had to look for the leak!!"  WOW..all I can say is GOD IS GOOD!!!  He has been a miracle worker in our sweet girl!!  Chandler does still have a mild leak, which is good and part of the heart is "floppy" but they will just monitor it, nothing to worry about.  Dr. Parnell just bragged and bragged and said that Chandler is still her poster child!  How nice to hear some positive news..just what this neurotic mama needed to hear.  We don't have to go back until June 5th, and she will continue the aspirin until the middle part of May and the blood pressure meds.  There is a possibility to ween off of those when we go back in June :) 

There were two extremely proud parents and an even more excited sister who was jumping around and laughing!!  All she knew was that Chandler's bobo on her heart was getting much better and we were all happy!  Of course, everyone treated her like a princess (diva), giving her suckers, stickers and a toy.  We left with only one toy, but if it would've been up to Madeline and her new buddies in the clinic, she would've left with much more!!  That girl is something!  We went to eat supper when we left, and Madeline felt the need to tell the waitress, "My name is Madeline Smith, I am 'free' years old.  His name is Daddy, her name is Mama, and her name is Chandler..hers my sissy."  She makes us laugh so much!  On the way home she said, "Whew, that song was making me asleep!"  Guess it was making her sleepy..we wonder where she comes up with all this stuff! 

One more funny story about Madeline...she likes to wait until the very last minute to potty especially when she is outside.  In fact, when her Daddy has her outside with him, he lets her go.  Yes, it's a site to see but she thinks it is hilarious and she gets the job done!  So at Ms. Misa's the other day, she waited until the last minute.  In the meantime a little boy had tee teed through the fence.  Well, Miss Thang thought that she could just do that too and go back to playing.  WRONG!!!  Lisa said she was trying, but all she did was wet her clothes.  She told her that that wasn't going to work and Madeline said, "I think you are right!"  Poor baby but how funny?!?

We are looking forward to Shimmy coming home this weekend, but not to Daddy having to work Saturday.

until next time,
Madeline and her friend Pascal thanks to Nanny B!!
sacked out!

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