sweet sisterly love |
pajama party |
love these faces |
be still my heart.. |
I know, I know, long time no posts!!! This summer has been unbelievably busy!! In fact, I feel like I should just bite the bullet and get a mini van painted like a taxicab, because that is certainly how I have felt this summer. And the kicker is that the girls are only 3 and 10 months old... I cannot imagine what it's going to be like when they are older. Cannot. Imagine.
Anyway, it's all been worth it and I have enjoyed time spent with my little family so very much! Even if it has been to doctors appointments, therapy, swimming lessons, VBS, and on and on. Not looking forward to starting back to work on August 1st, but I am going to try and enjoy the little time we have left..
Chandler has been busy with PT and OT. And can we just say that she is sitting up?!?!! Not completely independently, but we are taking what we can get and are so very proud of her! She likes sitting up and being able to see everybody, but doesn't like being on all fours so much. She constantly rolls over to her back and gives Ms. Tammy a huge smile, like "haha I don't have to do that now!" Of course, then Ms. Tammy scoops her up and gives her some love and she just loves that!! Chandler has everyone eating out of the palm of her hand! She is constantly talking and babbling, telling us all about it! Even says "mamama" and "dadada" and can we say that our hearts have been melting?!?
big girl!! |
gotta love a clean, naked baby! |
We won't call anyone's name, but someone thinks she is cute!!! |
Madeline has been enjoying being the "big sissy" and making sure everyone who is around Chandler takes care of her, holds her right, "watch her head" "she is hungry" "she is ready for bed." I have absolutely no idea what Kris and I did when she was little and we didn't have a sassy three year old telling us how to take care of her :) No, it really is very sweet and she is a good little mama. All I have to say is, poor Chandler!! Just ask Shimmy how it was (and still is) to have two mamas!!
Big sister has been obsessed with weddings/people getting married, and brides lately. She sees our wedding pictures and says with a look of amazement, "Ooooo, Mama, that's where you and Daddy were married! Daddy was the broom and Mama was the mop! :) When I get big I am going to marry my Daddy, too!!" We love her innocence, especially her Daddy! She says some of the funniest things and her facial expressions are to die for!! They are cute now, but I can see them causing some problems in the near future.
Madeline is wearing her bathing "soup" and not "the whole one" haha |
girl's day with Mama..Madeline got a new hairdo |
sassafras is all I can say about her! |
As August is fastly approaching, so is Chandler's first birthday!!! AAHHH..I cannot believe it is almost that time!!!! It seems as if we brought her home from the hospital twice, so it doesn't seem possible to be celebrating her first year of life already!! She has proved so much in her first year that her first birthday will be just that....a huge celebration of her life!! I am sure this Mama will be a mess on that day, but only because we have come so far and it is truly unbelievable to see just what she has done in a short little time. She has touched so many people's lives in ways that she (or I) will never understand. God placed her in our lives and hearts forever and I am so very grateful that He did... Her first year has been full of ups (and some downs) and we cannot wait to see what the next year is going to bring and what she is going to teach us!
Looking forward to a little getaway to the beach and then trying to get back into the swing of things before school and work get cranked back up again. Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer as much as we have!!
dreading August 1st,
Madeline and her Daddy LOVE ice cream!! |
girlies |
9 month check up: 15 lbs 6 oz, 25 3/4 in long..great report and Dr. Charles wanted to take her home!! |
If this huge, toothless grin doesn't make you smile, something is bad wrong with you! |
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