Wednesday, June 19, 2013

the difference a year makes

"Megan, your baby has Down syndrome." Those are the exact words I heard one year ago yesterday (June 18). If I could go back and kick myself I would! That's what I was thinking last night as I stared at our precious miracle as she peacefully slept. Kris and I have been on a wild ride in a year.. Honestly there were times when I really didn't think I would make it and all because of the unknown. If I could go back I would shake myself and say that things could be so much worse!! At that time in my life it did seem very scary.. But here we are one year later and very much survived and know that Chandler was meant for us and that our lives weren't complete until she was a part of it. Kris and I know that we are very blessed to have two of the sweetest, most precious daughters and we know this by their unconditional love for us and ours for them..

There are so many people hurting that we know of right now.. Whether it be a death of my dear family member or tragic death of a young man or four wheeler wreck of a teenager who is in critical condition.. One thing's for sure, you can never, I mean never, take life for granted and be sure and show the ones you love just how much you love and care for them.. Also please pray for these families. 

Hearing all of these sad stories really does give me a reality check about our situation just one year ago.. But I am human and I am learning something new everyday..

On another note, this Smith family has been extremely busy since the summer started. We had Vacation Bible School at our church, which was Chandler's first VBS experience and let's just say se enjoyed ALL the attention!! We are proud to say that our big girl went to Thompson's Bible School ALL BY HERSELF!! This was a big step for our shy, nervous Madeline but she went all five nights! I think I was more nervous than she was and even asked Kris if I should go back and get her the first night! Haha She had a ball even though she didn't participate in their song on the commencement night. We are so unbelievably proud of her for getting up steps. She has been singing the songs and telling us that Jesus loves us. She really was listening and learning!! 

Chandler has been working hard at physical therapy and occupational therapy but not always willingly!! Haha She is very quick to let them know when she has had enough! They are working on getting her to pull her legs under her with straight arms on all fours. Eventually she will be able to balance her weight evenly so she will be able to sit and crawl. Developmental milestones have never been so exciting! Of course they all love her and big sissy.. They are the highlights of some of the other patients days!!

I almost forgot some of the best news yet... Chandler no longer takes any, yes I said any, medicines!!!!!! Dr Parnell said she and her heart look great and that she is still her little rockstar..duh! We go back in August and hopefully after that we will only have to go for routine check offense to Dr Parnell :) Coincidentally our appointment was on the same day that we went to Jackson a year ago and heard the words "Down syndrome" and "AV canal" for the first time. My, how far we've come and I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel that I have grown so much, as a wife and a mother and overall and know that He has plans for me and my sweet family. The Good Lord really has been so very good to us..
Madeline has been feeling a little neglected lately (and acting like it)! So her and I had a special mommy/daughter day. We went to the library for her first time to check out books and can we say she was in heaven!! As Shimmy says, "I love my nerd!" She picked out about 10 books but settled on four. She was beyond thrilled! We had lunch with Daddy and then went to her favorite place... Wal Mart!!! Insert moans and groans from me but the child doesn't know any better yet! Haha And also she makes it a little less painless for me and I enjoy her company!

As for our Shimmy, she was released from the hospital, finally!! She is still not 100% and they are still working to try and figure out the best treatment so please keep her in your prayers.. We are really missing our sleepovers!!

As I stressed before, don't take one single minute for granted and try not to sweat the small stuff.. I am trying to take my own advice too, believe me it's hard!!

blessed beyond belief,

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