Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day two

Woke up from a good night's sleep and came to visit Chandler. She looks good and was able to get the central line in her neck removed and also got the vent out around 1:00. They removed the catheter also. The nurse gave her some sugar water on a pacifier and boy did she like that!! Gimme more is what she looked like! But she cant eat until she wakes up more and gets more gunk out of her chest. Doctor on call said she looks good and as long as she cooperates, we will get to go to a room tomorrow!! But she has to follow the rules haha! We have been by her bedside practically all day just watching her sleep and wiggle. The nurse was trying to suction her earlier and Kris and I were talking and she turned her head completely around to find us.. Warmed our hearts!!

The pictures are ones of when she came off the vent and believe it or not, she looks much better!! They have also bandaged her foot to keep her from pulling the IV out that she just cannot stand being in and tries to pull it out with her other foot! Keep the prayers coming! We can't hold her until a certain line comes out before she goes to the floor and I can't wait but I am kinda scared too! We really have been in the best hands and have had the nicest (and smartest) people working on her!!

Until next time,


  1. She looks great Megan!!! Can't wait until she is alert and you get to hold!!! God is so good!

  2. She looks wonderful! She is such a warrior!
