***WARNING WARNING*** This blog contains a lot of bragging about two Smith girls!!!
First of all, our big girl has FINALLY started figuring out this potty training business!! She will actually tell us "my gotta go to the bafroom" and has even done #2 in the potty! Whew, I never thought she would catch on and never thought I would talk about pee and poop so much either! haha We are super proud of our big girl and have acted a fool dancing in the bathroom...if anyone saw us they would certainly think we were crazy! Who cares if she is full of M & M's as long as her business is in the potty, we have even had them for breakfast!! And that's a BIG deal at our house since I have been compared to a drill sargent when it comes to sweets and soft drinks! Let's hope she keeps up the good work or else I might run for the hills, screaming!
As for daughter number 2, she had a GREAT check up on Friday!!!! She weighs 9 pounds, 11 ounces and Dr. Parnell described her as her "poster child" and a "rock star." She wants us to keep doing what we are doing..that her echo and EKG looked good and that her liver was good and no wet lungs. Praise the Lord..it felt so good to get good news!!! She also compared her to another baby her age who is going into failure..how horrible for those parents, I couldn't imagine hearing that news. But also puts it into perspective for us that things could be so much worse. Chandler is doing so well that we don't have to go back to Jackson until December 7th, unless something comes up. Her anticipated surgery will be when she is four months old, which is not far off. We are ready for it to be over already. She also stressed the importance of keeping her well during the next few months. Ugh..oh how we love the holiday season and want everyone to see our sweet girl, but can't risk it, so our holidays will be spent at home with just a few people. We hope that everyone will understand and respect our wishes...believe me, it's killing me because all I want to do is show her off, but Chandler's needs come first. As soon as she is up for tons of visitors, we should have a party!!
As Thanksgiving is approaching, which is my favorite holiday, Kris and I are approaching our 4th anniversary on the 22nd (Thanksgiving day)...wow we have been busy these past four years!! We were pregnant with Madeline when we were only married for 6 months, sold and bought a house, and had Chandler 2 1/2 years after Madeline. But through the ups and downs, it has certainly been worth every second and I can't wait to see what the next years will bring us. If it wasn't for Kris, I wouldn't be where I am today..he is an amazing husband and dad and I wouldn't trade him for anything (on most days, anyway haha)!!!
Please continue praying for our big, little girl, God is answering prayers and she is proof of that!! I forgot my camera, so expect some pictures tomorrow. :)
until next time,
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