Better late than never, since Chandler's first birthday was September 12! We had her party on September 14, surrounded by family and friends. It was a glorious day and my cup runneth over with all the love that everyone has for our precious girl. As always, she was the center of attention, loving every bit of it! And can we say that sister LOVED HER CAKE and wasn't bashful about digging right in! Chandler has been through more her first year of life than some people go through in their entire life...she has taught me so much and continues to teach me about not sweating the small stuff and loving every minute life has to offer. She truly is a gift straight from God and that shows in her huge, contagious grins.
Look who's one!! |
Being one is fun! |
For me?!? |
Birthdays are so much fun! |
Who cares about the gifts, when I can eat the paper?! |
Chandler is wondering why Marley got in the picture, too! |
Cake for breakfast, I think I will! |
So, yeah they STILL fight over this car, but Chandler is bigger and sassier now! |
Our sweet cousin Jillian made her cake and it was PERFECT!!! |
This little ladybug loves cake!!!
I hate that I am just now blogging about her special day, but it was a wonderful time with many memories made!!
until next time,