We have been super busy lately, and it doesn't look like things will slow down until school is out, which thankfully is the 29th of this month!! We are so looking forward to this summer, spending time with our two sweet girls! Madeline CANNOT WAIT to get into Grammy and Papa J's pool and "fwim" like a mermaid. She even says that she is going to go down the slide, but only if her Daddy lets her! We will see how Chandler likes the water..Madeline didn't like it too much her first summer, so we saw a lot of the "bulldog" face. Haha
Madeline continues to surprise us with how smart she is on a daily basis; however, she has been showing us a side of her that we do not like and I will just call it "sassy." She has been showing out at daycare too and gets into time-out at least once a day. One day, she slapped one of the little boys across the face and when we asked her why, she said, "He pushed me first!" Needless to say that her Daddy was pretty proud of his tough little girl taking up for herself, but me on the other hand, not so much!! :) She has really been giving me a hard time, and I am hoping and praying that it is just a phase and doesn't last until she is 25!! She doesn't mind me and then when I tell her that I am going to put her in time out or (spank her), she says, "Don't talk to me like that!" or "I am going to tell my Daddy!" REALLY?!?!? I want my sweet girl back!! However, she does want her Mama when it's time to go nite nite, so I will take what I can get and hope that my patience doesn't fly the coop cause I already feel like I am headed straight for the loony bin now! haha Also, sister does not forget a thing, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad!
Enjoying cousin Conner's 1st birthday party, especially the cupcakes! |
As for Chandler, she had her speech evaluation yesterday. I know what you are thinking, "How the heck will they evaluate her speech when she doesn't talk?!" It was more of a checklist for her language skills and breaks it down for her expressive (verbal) skills and receptive (thinking) skills. Again, it is strange being in the parent seat and answering questions pertaining to my child, instead of asking them to a parent about their child. Anyway, she has higher receptive skills than expressive, which is expected and she is doing well and is basically where she needs to be! In fact, the speech therapist got to the 12 month range on the receptive skills!! Go Chandler!! Our "homework" is to begin to call her by name so that she will recognize it and to speak directly to her when giving her a bath, feeding, going bye-bye, etc. It really made sense to Kris and I, because we did that with Madeline, but now that she is able to communicate with us, we talk more to her in front of little sister instead of talking directly to Chandler. Also, it was recommended to not let Madeline talk for Chandler nor to do things for her so that Chandler will develop more independence. Whoa, this is going to be a hard task for that little Mama, but she suggested making it a game and letting us hear what Chandler has to "say" or "do." The therapist bragged on our girl and that is just what this nervous and hard-on-herself Mama needed to hear!! I know that Chandler is delayed and will be delayed, but it makes a difference when you hear what she CAN already do and that in itself is a Blessing! My personal experience has certainly changed how I speak to my student's parents, and I am trying to be more positive. We all work better from a positive perspective!!
Now, as for the Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) evaluations, that is another story. My main concern from day one were her fine and gross motor skills. Early Intervention had to refer us to a facility to provide these services. Of course, there are steps to follow and it took a little while for this to happen. The Summit Health and Rehab called Monday and stated that they have a waiting list of four children ahead of Chandler, and the way it works is that when one child is dismissed, they pick up another child. Goodness, who knows when they would get to child number five?! I told them to keep her on the waiting list for the time being. Early Intervention then referred us to the hospital in McComb, Southwest, and they have no waiting list. Hallelujah!! Now we just wait for them to call to schedule the date for the eval.
I got this! |
Look at me! |
Oh and speaking of Chandler's motor skills, sister now has this rolling over thing down pat!! She will roll over and proudly stick that head up like "I got this, what's next?!" She is also doing much better with her spoon feeds and LOVES avocado!! Now, of course, I can't feed her without the supervision of big sissy and her telling me, "That's a big bite, Mama. She likes that! She doesn't like that!" What would I do without her "help?!" As she is in the way, bugging me to help, I constantly remind myself that one day she will be grown and will be too cool to help her Mama and sister. I am trying to do better about savoring every single moment, because they are only little once. These two girls are my pride and joy and are certainly the best things that I have ever accomplished in my life (with a little help from their Daddy)!!
love these two more than words can describe.. |
The girls and I are headed to see Shimmy Friday afternoon for a SLEEPOVER and to go to Brody's birthday party on Saturday!! Not sure who is the most excited about this..we treasure these times, even if Shimmy and I feel like we have ran a marathon! We wouldn't trade these memories for the world..
until next time,